coated methion
live specifide yeast for ruminants
protected Mycotoxin binder
Mineral Vitamin Premixes
Herdy calf starter

The bests choose the bests

The need of humans and other creatures on Earth to preserve the land is a primary concern for our company, Hemand Eco Farm. The image that members of Hemand Ecofarm cultivate in their hearts is a business growth achieved simultaneously with the creation of sustainable value for the planet Earth.

Livestock products

Live Cell SC 20" live yeast"

Live Cell SC 20" live yeast"

Harmonic dry cow and heifer premix

 Harmonic dry cow and heifer premix

Bioactive buffer (BioActive)

Bioactive buffer (BioActive)

Fresh cow supplement

Fresh cow supplement

Harmonic unique vitamin supplement

Harmonic unique vitamin supplement

Calf starter

Calf starter

Chelamin for Dairy cattle

Chelamin for Dairy cattle

Rumen Protected Methionine (Mepron)

Beef premix 5%

Beef premix 5%

Bioactive buffer

Bioactive buffer

Live Cell SC 20" live yeast"

Live Cell SC 20" live yeast"

Live Cell SC 20" live yeast"

Live Cell SC 20" live yeast"

Sheep and goat premix

Sheep and goat premix

Sheep supplement

Sheep supplement

Bioactive buffer for sheep and goat

Bioactive buffer for sheep and goat

Chelamin for poultry

Chelamin for poultry

specialized horse feed


Dried and live Mealworm

Dried and live Mealworm

Mealworm frass

Mealworm frass

mealworm breeding trays

Mealworm breeding trays

Mealworm rearing trays

Mealworm rearing trays

Our services

Hamand Ecofarm, with its advanced facilities and global wide communication, can train farm workers, interested students, and experts.
Hemand Ecofarm seminar on 30 Bahman 1402

Hemand Ecofarm seminar on 30 Bahman 1402

23rd International Livestock and Poultry Exhibition

Gathering Business Partners for Factory Visit and Technology Showcase

The latest in the blog

Considerations regarding stocking density of transition cows

Varying stocking density can have an impact on number of displacements from the feed bunk or feeding space, regardless of parity. Huzzey and colleagues 55 observed 22 more displacements from the feed bunk per day among cows housed at 150% versus those housed at 100% When 1 cows shared a single automatic feeder dis.

Natural Ventilation

Natural ventilation has obvious advantages in that natural forces are used to ventilate buildings, reducing costs for both fans and electrical power. Natural forces include wind moving through, against, and over buildings, as well as thermal buoyancy of warmed air rising inside of the building.

What is mealworm and what is its use?

The larvae of the bark beetle are called Mealworms having their high nutritional value and are suitable feed for aquatic, animals and poultry. In this part, we will describe the life cycle and the uses of mealworms
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