Bioactive buffer
Bioactive buffer

Full Description

Bioactive buffer is a specialized additive used in animal nutrition, particularly in dairy cattle diets. It addresses the challenges posed by the increased use of concentrates with high levels of fast-fermenting carbohydrates in modern dairy production.

The increased inclusion of fast-fermenting carbohydrates in dairy diets can disrupt normal rumen fermentation and lead to a decrease in rumen pH, causing acidosis. This presents a significant challenge to the overall rumen function and the health of dairy cattle.

Bioactive buffer is specifically formulated to improve rumen function by regulating pH levels and neutralizing excess acid. By stabilizing the rumen pH, it helps maintain an optimal environment for the growth and activity of beneficial rumen microorganisms, which are essential for proper digestion and nutrient utilization.

The use of Bioactive buffer in dairy cattle diets can help prevent or mitigate the occurrence of rumen acidosis, which can have negative impacts on feed efficiency, milk production, and overall animal health. By supporting healthy rumen fermentation, Bioactive buffer contributes to improved rumen function and the overall well-being of dairy cattle in high-production systems.


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