Dairy cattle
 Dairy cattle

Dairy cattle

One of the main factors affecting economic efficiency in dairy farms is feeding management. Therefore, the use of management techniques to apply for the economic feeding program along with maintaining the health and optimal milk production of cows will contribute the most to the success of dairy farming. In this section, dairy cattle products are introduced.
beef cattle
beef cattle

beef cattle

About half of our country's red meat need is provided by feedlot steers; Therefore, this part of the livestock industry has a high capacity for development and progress. Raising fattening calves with scientific and modern methods reduces the period of fattening and increases meat production. The more calves have better and healthier nutrition; the more feedlot steer business will be profitable. In this section, beef cattle products are introduced.
Sheep and goat
Sheep and goat

Sheep and goat

feeding sheep and goats should be done based on their nutritional needs and economic savings. The feeding of light livestock is usually based on concentrate and forage, but supplementary feeding is necessary to reach the genetic potential of the animal in milk production and growth. In this section, sheep and goat products are introduced.


Poultry feeding has a very important contribution to the growth and strengthening of the defense system and immunity of birds against diseases and is very important for the survival of birds. A suitable diet for poultry is a balanced combination of energy, protein, amino acids, minerals, and essential fatty acids. In this section, poultry products are introduced.
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