Chelamin (chelated minerals)
Chelamin (chelated minerals)

Chelamin (chelated minerals)

Microminerals have important biological functions in the body, including a role in oxidative metabolism immunity, energy, and nutrient metabolism, reproductive activities, etc. A deficiency of microminerals such as Cu, Zn, and Mn leads to many metabolic disease in livestock and poultry. Iron and copper play an important role in the health of joints, growth and health of wool, hair, and feathers, production of blood cells, improvement of immune function, increase of reproductive function, improvement of iron metabolism, etc
Growing calf feed
Growing calf feed

calf feed

Feeding calves and providing optimal nutrition lays the foundation for their long and productive lives. Increasing the protein and high-fat content in the feed, pasteurizing milk, and implementing modern feeding methods are ways through which we can enhance calf nutrition.
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