Full Description

:Product Description

 Mepron® is a specially formulated DL-methionine product designed for high-yielding dairy cows. Methionine is an essential amino acid crucial for optimal protein metabolism. Unlike other animals, dairy cows require methionine in a protected form so it can bypass the rumen and be absorbed in the small intestine. This ensures efficient use of protein and supports various physiological functions


  1. Enhanced Protein Utilization: Mepron® allows for reduced crude protein in dairy feed without compromising productivity, lowering feed costs and reducing nitrogen excretion.
  2. Sustainability: By optimizing protein use and reducing nitrogen waste, Mepron® contributes to more sustainable milk production.
  3. Improved Animal Health: The high methionine content supports overall health and productivity in dairy cows.

Production Facility: Evonik produces Mepron® at its Mobile, Alabama, site. This strategic location supports the US market, which is the largest for high-yielding dairy cows and a significant contributor to global milk production​

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