Bioactive buffer (BioActive)
Bioactive buffer (BioActive)

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Rumen buffer

Ruminants are herbivores that their gut system evolved over millions of years to digest forage and plant-based materials. During the last few decades, with the advancement of breeding science and production capacity, the use of grain-based concentrates which contain a lot of non-fiber carbohydrates has significantly increased. This has posed a challenge to the natural metabolism in the rumen. 

The digestive system and microorganisms of the rumen have had limited time to adapt to high levels of grain consumption since their natural adaptations require thousands of years of evolution. The normal fermentation process in the rumen produces volatile fatty acids, including acetic, propionic, and butyric acid. Contrary to popular belief, these fatty acids do not have a significant ability to reduce rumen pH on their own since they are weak acids. The problem arises when lactic acid production in the rumen increases. Lactic acid is produced by certain bacteria called lactobacilli. These bacteria are abundant in the rumen and rapidly grow and replicate. The presence of high amounts of grain-based starch in the rumen leads to the rapid and explosive growth of lactobacilli. This rapid growth surpasses the ability of other microorganisms to cope with it. The rapid growth of lactobacillus leads to the production of large amounts of lactic acid, which is a relatively strong acid compared to other volatile fatty acids. Lactic acid is about 10 times stronger in acidity than acetic acid, which is one of the most potent volatile fatty acids in the rumen.             

Another feature of Lactobacillus is their growth and reproduction at low pH levels, whereas other microbes decrease in population at acidic pH levels. Lactobacillus reproduce a large population of themselves in the rumen. The result of these events is a severe decrease in rumen pH and the occurrence of acidosis. Acidosis causes the destruction of the rumen wall and its hemorrhage. The ulcers created due to the destruction of the rumen wall allow bacteria to enter the blood and eventually reach the liver, leading to cirrhosis and liver infection, as the blood leaving the rumen directly enters the liver. This very dangerous phenomenon is called bacterial translocation. Another dangerous effect is ruminal stasis, during which the muscles of the rumen wall become paralyzed and rumen contractions stop. The first effect of ruminal stasis is the failure to expel fermentation gases from the rumen and the occurrence of acute bloat. This immobility also prevents the passage of rumen contents, resulting in a severe reduction in feed intake.

 The excessive production of lactic acid in the rumen reduces the production of other volatile fatty acids, especially acetic and propionic acids, and thus reduces fat and lactose (milk sugar) production, which will also reduce milk production. The precursors of fat and lactose, acetate and propionate, are severely affected by acidification, as the fiber-degrading microorganisms are sensitive to acidification and lose their ability to digest and ferment fibrous materials. Consequently, not only does feed intake decrease, but also the production of propionic acid, a precursor of milk fat, will significantly decrease. Fermentation of fibrous materials is the main reason for the production of acetic acid. Fermentation of starch materials (grain) is the main producer of propionic acid, a precursor of glucose. However, when Lactobacillus grows, the biochemical pathway of fermentation is altered. and turns from propionate production to lactate production. In the bodies of ruminants, the conversion of lactate to glucose occurs with much lower efficiency compared to the conversion of propionate to glucose. As a result, the animal's body experiences glucose deficiency and its associated consequences. The consumption of silage, due to its high lactic acid content, may lead to the occurrence of acidosis and related problems.

 It should be noted that the decrease in pH and acidification of the rumen is not the only possible occurrence in the rumen. In some cases, it is also possible for the pH of the rumen to increase excessively. Many farmers are always concerned about acidosis, while the use of urea, which is widely used among farmers, greatly increases the possibility of alkalization of the rumen environment. Alkalization of the rumen, to the same extent as acidification, leads to gastrointestinal and metabolic disorders in ruminants. This is where the vital importance of rumen buffers in preventing severe pH changes in the rumen is evident. Buffers help regulate the pH of the rumen and provide a suitable environment for microbial activity. Various chemical substances are used as buffers in the nutrition of ruminants, with the most common being sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), also known as baking soda. The main component of baking soda is bicarbonate ions (HCO3-), which, through the following reaction, help regulate the pH of the rumen, especially in conditions where a large amount of acid is produced.

  As can be seen, the product of this reaction is carbon dioxide gas (CO2). With the release of carbon dioxide gas from the rumen, the possibility of reverse reaction and re-acidification in the rumen is eliminated. Therefore, bicarbonate ions are considered the best option for pH regulation in the rumen. It should be noted that sweet whey has limited capacity to regulate rumen pH, especially under conditions of high acid production. For this reason, the use of bicarbonate salts with bicarbonate ions can double the buffering capacity. Bioactive is specifically designed and produced for this purpose. Bioactive is actually a double-capacity bicarbonate salt of calcium or CO۲. As seen in the chemical formula, calcium bicarbonate has two bicarbonate ions, so its pH regulation ability is at least twice that of sweet whey. The following reaction occurs: Ca/HCO3)2 Ca2++ HOOG + H HCO3; , HCO3 CO2 + H2O (acid) (gas)"



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