Harmonic dairy cow supplement and premix

Full Description

" Harmonic dairy cow supplements" are formulated and produced for different categories and stages of dairy cows based on their specific needs. Contact us to design a suitable dairy cow supplement formula for your herd.

 The table below shows the ingredients of the Harmonic dairy cow supplement which is designed for cows producing more than 45 kilograms of milk per day. Hemand supplements are formulated based on the latest scientific and practical articles, as well as farm trials in modern and big farms, to ensure that dairy farmers can use these products with peace of mind.


The consumption amount should be determined according to the prescription of a veterinarian or farm nutrition specialist.


The packaging of these products is done according to the standards of livestock feed packaging. This product is packaged in 25-kilogram bags.

Storage Conditions:

To preserve their properties and prevent any damage, these products should be stored in a dry and cool place.

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