Live Cell SC 20" live yeast"
Live Cell SC 20" live yeast"

Full Description

"LiveCell SC 20 contains 20 billion yeast colonies per gram. In addition to live yeast, this product includes secondary ingredients that can positively impact rumen microflora growth and function as a probiotic.

The mechanism of action includes the following:

  • Stimulating enzymatic activities of microorganisms to enhance cellulose and hemicellulose breakdown in the rumen.
  • Accelerating rumen microbiota formation in newborn and dairy calves.
  • Reducing ammonia concentration in the rumen by improving nitrogen utilization by bacteria.
  • Enhancing the activity of anaerobic bacteria to improve the anaerobic environment in the rumen.
  • Mitigating the negative effects of stress and enhancing overall livestock performance during the summer season.
  • Stabilizing rumen pH, reducing the risk of acidosis.
  • Restricting the growth of lactate-producing bacteria in the rumen.
  • Increasing the activity of rumen microbial flora.
  • Improving papillae growth in the rumen.
  • LiveCell is suitable for ruminants and is available in 10 kg cardboard packaging. It should be stored in a dry, cool environment, away from sunlight."


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