Common Concerns with Alfalfa

Some horse owners express concerns about feeding alfalfa to their horses because they worry about contributing to hot behavior, effects on the calcium-to-phosphorus ratio of the diet, and whether alfalfa causes enterolith formation

Considerations for spray application

Most dairies soak cows with potable water, and the amount used varies widely among farms (eg, 4.5-25.7 L/h per cow). In the coming decades, water is predicted to become increasingly limited. Therefore, in addition to mitigating heat stress, reducing water footprint is a major sustainability concern for the US dairy industry.

What is insect chitin and what is its use?

Insects need to replace the old cuticle with a new cuticle to metamorphose and mature. The cuticle is the outermost component of insects that covers all the external parts of the body of invertebrates. It is also present in small amounts in some internal parts of the body of insects.

Natural Ventilation

Natural ventilation has obvious advantages in that natural forces are used to ventilate buildings, reducing costs for both fans and electrical power. Natural forces include wind moving through, against, and over buildings, as well as thermal buoyancy of warmed air rising inside of the building.

The Future of Sustainable Cattle Feed: Mealworm and Black Soldier Fly Larvae as Novel Protein Sources

As the global population grows, so does the demand for animal protein, placing increasing pressure on livestock systems to produce more with fewer natural resources. This challenge has led researchers and agricultural scientists to seek alternative, more sustainable protein sources
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